Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Transco Laboratory, Herts, April 2011.

I'm quite embarrassed to say that I've been walking past this place for years without even noticing it existed, Let alone realising it is disused. The buildings are hidden in the middle of a circle of trees and shrubbery so its difficult to notice from a public point of view.
After realising that it was indeed closed down I scouted out the perimeter and with the company of Peach we went back the following day to see what we could find.

 "The Company was established in 2000 when BG Group demerged its UK gas transmission business, formerly known as Transco, and named it Lattice Group
In October 2002 Lattice Group merged with National Grid plc to form National Grid Transco (although in 2005 the merged entity reverted to the name National Grid plc).
 In 2004, National Grid Transco agreed to sell four of its regional gas distribution networks. The total cash consideration was £5.8 billion. NGT kept ownership of other four distribution networks, which comprise almost half of Great Britain's gas distribution network"


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