This article always make me laugh. All I can guess is they based there information on the Hatfield and Welwyn Times article. But what is comical about it is that they actually believed this mock up photograph of me and Skeleton Key to be legit!
The photo was a quick photoshoped image I created as an 'in-joke' between members on 28dayslater but the newspaper got the wrong end of the stick entirely and wrote about it as if it was genuine.
Nice one St Albans review haha.
"Tesco in WGC: The Pictures That Show Why It Was A Good Idea"
URBAN Exploration came to WGC recently as the derelict former Shredded Wheat factory was entered by four ‘Urbaneers’ who posted photo’s of their trespassed daylight visit on an internet forum. ‘Urban explorers’ is a term usually applied to enthusiasts seeking to enter buildings that are effectively closed to the world - often those awaiting demolition.
A police helicopter was called to check on the intruders who brazenly posed for photo’s on the roof of the old deserted building. Whilst their activity is illegal, it appears there was no mindless vandalism or theft. However, the photo’s that one urbaneer - calling himself Skeleton Key - put on the internet, provided another poignant reminder of the recent Tesco application to build a superstore on the site. The company also proposed to build many social amenities that would’ve been welcomed by the poorer east-siders of the town, where the site is located. But sadly for them, the well organised, well-heeled anti-Tesco west-siders won the day to prevent these worthwhile amenities being built on an area of the town that should hardly matter to them. The photo’s depicting the eyesore of the rusting, rotting decay of once proud buildings may remain as a blot on the landscape for many years to come, and serve as a painful reminder of what might have been.